Friday, March 5, 2021

Introducing TRUTH TO TEENS

Hi, Awesome Teens!

Welcome to Truth to Teens! This blog is for YOU! This is the place where you will learn the truth about who you are, why you're here, and where you're going.

But, before we get started, I want to tell you a little about myself. 

First of all, I. Am. NOT. Cool! In fact, I'm way UNCOOL. You see, I’m a 75-year-old Grandma. :)

I have been married to the same wonderful man for 51 years. We have two grown daughters, ages 47 and 43.  We also have six grandchildren: four girls ages 14, 13, 11, and 8, and two boys, ages 9 and 2. 

Second, I don't pretend to know it all. But one thing I do know for sure is that I love teens. And that includes YOU!

I decided to start this blog for one reason: God told me to. :)  That's reason enough to do anything, isn't it?

Why do you think He told me to start a blog for you? Because He loves you!  And He gave me a love for you, too. I want to see you grow up in wisdom and grace to become men and women who love God and love others.

I remember quite well what it was like to be 13 and 14 and 15 and 16 and 17 and 18 and 19, and I understand that you go through some rough times. Maybe even rougher than what I went through when I was 13 and 14 and 15 and 16 and 17 and 18 and 19.

Besides being a mother and grandmother, I’m a professional writer.  I use the writing gift God has given me to help others along the road of life. Since I’m a little older than you—or, a lot older :)—I hope that I can help you avoid some pitfalls along the way.

So, I’m writing this blog just for you. I hope you enjoy it.  Most of all, I hope you write to me with any questions you’d like to discuss. 

I want this to be a place where you can meet other teens your own age from all over the world and talk about the things that matter most in life.

So send me your questions, and we'll get started! :) 


Dr. MaryAnn Diorio (You can call me "Dr. D" for short. :))

Copyright 2000-2021 by Dr. MaryAnn Diorio. All Rights Reserved.

This article may not be published or printed in any form whatsoever without the written permission of Dr. MaryAnn Diorio. You may contact her at to request permission.

If you enjoyed this blog, please forward it to your family and friends. Spread the Word of God and be a blessing to others! Thanks! 
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Copyright 2000-2021 by MaryAnn Diorio, PhD, MFA.  All Rights Reserved.


  1. Congrats on your new blog, MaryAnn! It looks great!

  2. Thank you very much, Pam. I am thankful for your prayers. :)



  3. Blessings on this new blog, MaryAnn! I know you'll disciple and be instrumental in bringing many young girls to Christ with it.

    1. Thank you so very much, Deb. :) I receive your blessings with thanksgiving.


  4. This looks terrific, MaryAnn. Blessings on your new blog. May it reach lots and lots of girls and make new disciples for Him.

  5. Thank you very much, Linda. I agree with your prayer and appreciate it very much.


