Friday, March 12, 2021


Hey, Awesome Teens!  

Today we’re going to talk about another touchy subject. So, what else is new? :)  As you have noticed, here at the Truth to Teens Blog, we’re not afraid to tackle the controversial issues of life.

So, here goes. Should you believe everything your teachers say?

File: #69144601 | Author: Monkey Business

Before we dive into the answer to that question, let me tell you that I used to be a teacher. I taught at three major universities and two smaller colleges. I’ve also taught in high schools and in grade schools. I’ve even taught little kids in Kindergarten. So, I’ve pretty much run the gamut of all ages in education.

At every level of teaching, I noticed that students have a strong tendency to believe everything their teacher teaches them. But I want to give you a warning from the other side of the desk--the teacher’s side.  Not everything your teacher teaches you is true. I know because I have worked with many, many teachers over the years.

Now, before you panic or get angry, let me say that I am not down on teachers. Most teachers are wonderful, dedicated people who truly care about their students. Their intention is not to lie to you. But many teachers think they are teaching the truth when they really are not because they themselves do not know the truth. 

So, how can you tell when a teacher is teaching you the truth or not?

There is one sure-fire way to know if what you are being taught is true or not. Check it out in the light of the Holy Bible, God’s Word.

For example, most biology teachers will teach you that the theory of evolution is true. The truth is that the theory of evolution contradicts what God says in the Bible about how you were created. We talked about this before in our blog on Suicide: Life’s Biggest Cop-Out.

So, when your biology teacher tells you that you came from a monkey or an amoeba, don’t believe her!  
The same holds true if and when you go to college.  Many college professors do not believe in God. They will teach from that perspective and try to convince you that God does not exist.  Do not be intimidated by them! 

Just because a person has a long string of degrees after his name does not mean he is brilliant nor that you are stupid because you do not have a string of degrees after your name. In fact, if that professor with a dozen titles after his name does not believe in God, he is a fool. The Bible says so in Psalm 14:1: "The fool says in his heart there is no God."

There is a colossal difference between knowledge and wisdom. One can have knowledge with no wisdom. Such is the case of many professors on college campuses today. 

Our goal should be to have both knowledge AND wisdom. When you have wisdom, you know how to use knowledge in the right way.

So, as you attend classes--whether on Zoom or in person--make a commitment to analyze everything your teachers say by comparing it with the Bible, the Word of God. This is the best way to guard your heart and to keep yourself from falling for lies that will harm you.


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