Thursday, August 13, 2015

How to Make Smart Choices for Your Life

Hey, Gabriel Girls!

It’s decision time. Time to take a look at how to make smart choices for your life.

Fotolia File: #53965260 | Author: Elenarts

Most of you reading this are between the ages of 12 and 18.  Except for me, lol!  It’s been almost 52 years since I was 18 and 58 years since I was 12.  But I still remember what it was like to be 12 and 13 and 14 and 15 and 16 and 17 and 18.

Anyway, for most of you, the next 10 to 15 years of your life will be years during which you will face the most important decisions of your life. Here are some of them:

  • Should I finish high school or should I drop out?
  • Should I go to college?
  • If yes, what college should I go to?
  • What should I major in?
  • If I choose not to go to college, should I get a job or some other kind of training?
  • If a job, what kind of job should I get?
  • Should I look for a job in my hometown, or should I move away?
  • Should I get married?
  • If yes, whom should I marry?
  • If no, should I get my own apartment or should I live at home with my parents? (If you’re thinking about this latter choice, ask your parents first. :)
These are only a few of the choices you will be making in the next few years that will affect the entire rest of your life. So, wouldn’t you agree that it’s very important to make smart choices?

Since I’ve already made all of these choices for my own life, I would be happy to let you in on some tips for making smart choices:

1) Consult God before making any choice. Even a choice like should you eat that third piece of pizza. :) Making choices without consulting God is a sure recipe for disaster. The way you consult God is by praying and reading the Bible. God will speak to you through His Word and through His still, small voice deep inside you.

2) Consult your parents before making any choice. Although your parents may seem old-fashioned at times, truth is they’ve traveled down the road of choices and know where the potholes are, so they can warn you ahead of time. 

3) Consult your pastor if you attend a church or an older person you know who loves God and lives according to His Word.  They will give you an objective view of your situation and offer you wise advice. If you don’t have a pastor or you don’t know a wise older person, ask your parents to suggest someone who can offer you good counsel. 

Talking to your friends about your choices is fine, but remember that your friends are at about the same place in the road of life that you are, so they don’t know what lies ahead either.

Making smart choices is both scary and fun. When you have the right guides--God, the Bible, your parents, and a wise older person--you will feel confident that you are making a smart choice every time.

Copyright 2015 by Dr. MaryAnn Diorio. All Rights Reserved.

To Become a Gabriel Girl, you need to qualify as follows:

  • You need to be born again. This means that you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and the Lord of your life.If you don't know how to do this, click here.
  • You need to have a desire to tell others about Jesus wherever you go and whenever you can.
  • You need to commit to following Jesus by reading the Bible and praying every day and by obeying Jesus' command to love Him and to love your neighbor.
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