Friday, July 30, 2021

Why Sex before Marriage Will Hurt Your Future

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Hey, Awesome Teen!

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While I am eagerly waiting for your reply, I'd like to address something that needs to be talked about but often isn't.  And that is the topic of sex before marriage.

Today, like never before, young people are facing the temptation to have sex before marriage. Our culture puts the pressure on by saying it's okay if you love the guy or the girl.

Well, I'm here to tell you this: It is NOT okay!!! 

You see, marriage was designed by God to reflect Christ's relationship with the Church. This relationship is pure and holy.  Satan wants to pervert and destroy the marriage relationship by deceiving us into thinking that what is wrong is really right. 

Regardless of what others may say, sex before marriage will harm you. Here are a few of the ways in which you will get hurt:

1-Having sex before marriage will hurt your future marriage.
How? The act of sex creates a soul tie with the person with whom you are having sex. If this soul tie is created outside of marriage, it will be an evil soul tie that will affect your future relationship with your husband if you do marry. An evil soul tie will place an emotional and spiritual wedge between you and your husband and cause problems in your marriage. Many divorces today are caused by ungodly soul ties formed in past sexual relationships. If you've had illicit sex with more than one guy, then you've formed an ungodly soul tie with each of those guys.

2-Having sex before marriage will rob your future husband of the gift of your virginity and rob you of the joy of giving your husband this gift.
While your husband may forgive you, he will always feel the grief of knowing that he was not the first and only person with whom you had sex. He may not tell you this, but it will remain in his heart and affect the closeness between you. 

3-Having sex before marriage will affect your future sexual relationship with your husband because you might compare your husband with your previous partner or partners. 
While you may not want to do this, you will, and that comparison could destroy your marriage.

4-Having sex before marriage could give you a sexually transmitted disease that will affect you the rest of your life.
And affect not only you, but your husband and your children. Some STDs are incurable but by the grace of God! 

This is serious stuff!

Sex outside of marriage is sex outside the covenant of marriage, a covenant that God established for your protection and peace. When a girl agrees to have sex outside of marriage, she is flagrantly disobeying God's command and putting herself in the way of great spiritual, emotional, psychological, and physical harm.

Perhaps some of you reading this have already had sex outside of marriage. If so, let me remind you that God is merciful and will forgive you if you repent of your sin (1 John 1: 9). So ask Him to forgive you and purpose not to have sex again until you are married.

Remember this: "There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death" (Proverbs 14: 12).  Don't follow that way! 

"Sex before marriage will hurt your future." ~ Dr. MaryAnn Diorio (CLICK TO TWEET)

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