Hey, Gabriel Girls!
Do you ever wish you were someone else? Like the girl in your class who turns every guy's head? Or the girl who aces all her tests? Or the girl who has that hourglass figure and eats everything she wants and doesn't gain an ounce?
Do you think that maybe if you were prettier, or smarter, or thinner your life would be perfect? Or you would be loved more? Or even loved at all?
Photo Source: Lightstock.com Photo ID:67366
Think again!
In fact, let's think about this with God. That's what God wants us to do, you know. He wants us to think about everything together with Him.
This is how He puts it in the Bible: "'Come, let’s talk this over,' says the Lord." (Isaiah 1:18 TLB).
Isn't it amazing that God wants to talk things over with us? So, let's do what God says and talk with Him about the issue of "I wish I were (fill in the blank)."
Okay. How? Here are four things I do whenever I need to talk something over with God--which, by the way, is every day.
First, I get quiet. Sometimes I put on soft praise music. Sometimes I just go sit outside under a tree. Sometimes I go to the beach (my favorite place in the whole wide world). Or sometimes, I just go to my room and close the door.
But, always, I take my Bible with me. And, always, I read a part of it. (If you don't own a Bible, let me know).
Second, I start picturing Jesus. Sometimes I picture Him walking along the Sea of Galilee. Sometimes I picture Him sitting in the chair next to me. Sometimes I picture Him walking on the beach with me.
Next, I ask Him a question. I'm always sure to have a pen and my journal with me because Jesus always starts talking after I ask Him a question.
Finally, I write down what comes to my mind after I ask Him the question. Those thoughts that come to my mind after I ask Jesus a question are His words in response to my question.
"'Come, let's talk this over,' says the Lord."
(Isaiah 1:18)
How cool is that?
So, what question do you want to ask Jesus today? Write it down in your journal and then follow the four steps above. Trust that the thoughts that come to your mind after you ask Jesus your question are His words in response to your question.
Here are some sample questions to get you started:
- Jesus, why did you give me brown hair instead of blond? (I'll ask Him why He gave me gray hair. SMILE!)
- Jesus, why did You make me short? Tall? Blue-eyed? Hazel-eyed? Brown-eyed?
- Jesus, why was I born in America? South Africa? India? (Or whatever country you were born in)?
- Jesus, do You think I'm pretty?
- Jesus, why did You make me?
- Jesus, do You love me?
If you'd like to share your question and Jesus’ answer to you in the comment box below, please do so. When we share our hearts, we discover that the hearts of girls all over the world are very much the same.
With love in the Lion of Judah! (That's another name for Jesus. :))
Dr. MaryAnn
Copyright 2015 by Dr. MaryAnn Diorio. All Rights Reserved.
To Become a Gabriel Girl, you need to qualify as follows:
- You need to be born again. This means that you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and the Lord of your life.If you don't know how to do this, click here.
- You need to have a desire to tell others about Jesus wherever you go and whenever you can.
- You need to commit to following Jesus by reading the Bible and praying every day and by obeying Jesus' command to love Him and to love your neighbor.
Website: www.maryanndiorio.com
Blog (Matters of the Heart): http://www.networkedblogs.com/blog/maryanndiorioblog
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