Friday, July 23, 2021


Hey, Awesome Teen!

These days, there is certainly no shortage of lies that Satan wants you to believe. One of the latest is the lie of transgenderism.

What is transgenderism?

According to the good old, trustworthy Merriam-Webster Dictionary, transgenderism is the state of being a person "who identifies with or expresses a gender identity that differs from the one which corresponds to the person's sex at birth."

So, in simplest terms, if a person was born a girl but thinks she is really a boy, that is transgenderism. If a person was born a boy but thinks he is really a girl, that is transgenderism.

In earlier days, people who thought like this would often dress like the gender with which they identified.  A boy who dresses like a girl, or vice versa, is called a transvestite.

Today, however, people are actually taking hormones and having surgery to "become" the gender they want to be.  Why did I put the word "become" in quotes?  Because no matter what hormones or surgery one endures, the chromosomal structure of a girl will always remain that of a girl, and the chromosomal structure of a boy will always remain that of a boy. No human being can ever change that truth no matter how hard he or she may try.

The root problem of transgenderism is rebellion against God. The girl who wants to be a boy refuses to accept that God made her a girl. The boy who wants to be a girl refuses to accept that God made him a boy.  And Satan will do everything he can to encourage this rebellion.

Scripture says this in Genesis 5:2: "He created them male and female."  If God created you a female, then He wants you to be a female. Why? Because that was the wisest choice for you and for God's purposes for you. You see, God cannot make a mistake. 

How do people fall into transgenderism?  Here are a few reasons:

1-They do not recognize when Satan is lying to them.  Satan attacks us where we are the most vulnerable to his lies. For some people, this is in the area of gender identity. Today children are being taught that it is okay to be whatever gender they want to be. Children believe whatever adults tell them, so they will believe this lie. 

Woe to those who teach children these abominable lies!  As Scripture says, It would be better for them to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around their neck than to cause one of these little ones to stumble (Luke 17:2). God does not mince words. Those who lead children into deception will pay a very heavy price.

2-They are not grounded in God's Word. When we study God's Word and make it our guide for right living, we learn that God made us in His image. We learn that we have value simply because God made us. And He made us awesome and amazing! (See Psalm 139). We cannot improve on God no matter how much we may try. Studying God's Word also helps us to recognize a lie when we hear it.

3-They do not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. A person who has a close, personal relationship with Jesus Christ will hear His voice and follow it. The Holy Spirit of Jesus will always lead us into truth. If we are following a lie, it means we are not following the Holy Spirit.

The world will give many reasons for transgenderism, all of which sound so good but are lies from the pit of Hell.  The desire to be of a gender other than the gender God created you to be is a temptation that must be resisted, not yielded to.  

While we are on this earth, we will have all kinds of temptations. We should never fear a temptation because Jesus gave us the means to overcome it.  He promised us that He would always make a way for us to escape a temptation.  Consider First Corinthians 10:13:

The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure. 

Transgenderism is a temptation, as is homosexuality, sex before marriage, adultery, lying, stealing, drunkenness, etc., etc., etc. Do not be surprised when temptations come. 

One of Satan's tactics is to surprise us with a temptation we never thought we would have and then make us think that something is wrong with us because we are experiencing that temptation.

So be aware and be alert. Satan is out to destroy you. Do not be ignorant of his devices (2 Corinthians 2:11).



"The root problem of transgenderism is rebellion against God." ~ Dr. MaryAnn Diorio (CLICK TO TWEET)

"Transgenderism is a form of self-hatred." ~ Dr. MaryAnn Diorio (CLICK TO TWEET)


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