Friday, September 25, 2015

Are You Allowing Yourself to Be Pressured by Your Peers?

Peer pressure. It’s everywhere.  And it’s contagious.

What about you? Have you caught the peer pressure bug? Are you allowing yourself to be pressured by your peers?

If so, read on.

Peer pressure is a disease common to man--and to teen girls. :) In the Bible, it’s called the fear of man. Here is what God says about peer pressure, or the fear of man:

“Fearing people is a dangerous trap, but trusting the LORD means safety” (Proverbs 29:25 NLT).  

Why is peer pressure so dangerous? Here are a few reasons:

1--Peer pressure will cause you to act in a way that is contrary to the way God wants you to act. 

2--Peer pressure will cause you to stray from God’s purpose for your life. You could miss your destiny because of giving in to peer pressure.

3--Peer pressure makes you a slave of the peer or peers to whom you give in.

So, what is the antidote to the fear of man? Simple. The fear of God.

Look at the second part of Proverbs 29:25: “...trusting the LORD means safety.”  Do you want to be safe in your decisions? Do you want to walk a path that will bring you joy and peace? Do you want to fulfill God’s plan for your life and not someone else’s plan for your life?

Then don’t allow yourself to be pressured by your peers.

If you enjoyed this post, please tell your teenage girlfriends about the Gabriel Girls. Thanks!
Copyright 2015 by Dr. MaryAnn Diorio. All Rights Reserved.

To Become a Gabriel Girl, you need to qualify as follows:
  • You need to be born again. This means that you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and the Lord of your life.If you don't know how to do this, click here.
  • You need to have a desire to tell others about Jesus wherever you go and whenever you can.
  • You need to commit to following Jesus by reading the Bible and praying every day and by obeying Jesus' command to love Him and to love your neighbor.
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