Tuesday, November 3, 2015

How Can I Be Saved?

“Are you saved?” A young girl asked me this question when I was 22 years old. No one had ever asked me that question before. Worst of all, I had no clue what she meant.

“I’m sorry. I don’t know what you mean,” I answered her as politely as I could.

She went on to explain that her question meant had I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior and Lord.

When I told her no, she began explaining that Jesus Christ died for my sins and that in order to spend eternity with him after I die, I would need to accept His free gift of salvation. In other words, I would need to be born again.

I panicked. After all, I belonged to a mainline church, and I had never even heard of the term “born again.” So, I kindly said to her, “I’m__________, and my church has never mentioned being born again. I’m sorry. It’s not for me.”

While her face grew sad at my refusal, her eyes shone with love. A supernatural love that I had never seen before in the eyes of any human being. 

The girl’s name was Margo. And I know she prayed for me, because three years later, I was born again.

And my whole life changed for the better!

Maybe you go to church and think that you are saved. But going to church no more makes you a follower of Jesus Christ than going to a barn makes you a horse. 

Jesus said that unless a person is born again, she cannot enter the Kingdom of God (John 3:3).  To be born again is to invite Jesus Christ into your life to be your Savior and your Lord. 

It is one thing to believe in Jesus  Christ with your head. It is quite another thing to believe in Jesus Christ with your heart.

If you have never invited Jesus Christ into your heart, do so now. Here is a simple prayer you can pray:

Lord Jesus, I come to You just as I am. I ask You to forgive me of my sins. I invite you now into my life to be my Savior and my Lord. Make of me what You created me to me. In Your Name I pray. Amen.

If you prayed this prayer, please write to me at drmaryann@maryanndiorio.com. I’d like to send you a free booklet I’ve written to help you begin your walk with Jesus.

Copyright 2015 by Dr. MaryAnn Diorio. All Rights Reserved.

To Become a Gabriel Girl, you need to qualify as follows:
  • You need to be born again. This means that you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and the Lord of your life.If you don't know how to do this, click here.
  • You need to have a desire to tell others about Jesus wherever you go and whenever you can.
  • You need to commit to following Jesus by reading the Bible and praying every day and by obeying Jesus' command to love Him and to love your neighbor.
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