Friday, August 27, 2021

Staying Strong in Tough Times

Hey, Awesome Teen! 

Hope you're having a great day! This week we're going to talk about how to stay strong in these tough times.

No matter where you live in the world, there are things going on around you that are troubling, to say the least. The Bible warns us that "perilous times" would come before the return of Jesus. 

Look at what the Apostle wrote in 2 Timothy 3: 1-5:

" . . . in the last days it is going to be very difficult to be a Christian. For people will love only themselves and their money; they will be proud and boastful, sneering at God, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful to them, and thoroughly bad. They will be hardheaded and never give in to others; they will be constant liars and troublemakers and will think nothing of immorality. They will be rough and cruel, and sneer at those who try to be good. They will betray their friends; they will be hotheaded, puffed up with pride, and prefer good times to worshiping God. They will go to church, yes, but they won’t really believe anything they hear. Don’t be taken in by people like that."

I think we are living right now in the times Paul described in this passage. So, what are we to do to stay strong and to be true to Jesus?  Listen to what His Word says:
  • Don't be troubled or afraid. (John 14: 27)
  • Keep alert at all times. And pray that you might be strong enough to escape these coming horrors and stand before the Son of Man. (Luke 21: 36)
  • Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in me. (John 14: 1)
God placed you on this earth at this time of history for a reason. A very important reason! He wants you to carry the light of Christ within you to all those whom He places in your circle of influence.

Be faithful to that calling!  Countless souls are at stake!

TWEETABLE:Staying Strong in Tough Times by Dr. MaryAnn Diorio (CLICK TO TWEET)

Copyright 2016-2021 by Dr. MaryAnn Diorio. All Rights Reserved.

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Friday, August 20, 2021

What Is the Meaning of Your Life?

Hey, Awesome Teen!

One of the greatest questions you will ever ask yourself is What is the meaning of my life? How you answer this question will determine whether or not you fulfill your destiny.

Let's start with the basics:

1-Your life has meaning. To believe otherwise is to believe a lie. Unfortunately, our modern educational system teaches evolution, and evolution teaches that you came from an amoeba or a monkey and that you are here by chance.

This is one of the greatest lies ever perpetrated on the human race. The truth is that you were directly created by God for a specific and wonderful purpose (Read Psalm 139). This gives you great value and worth. It also gives great meaning to your life.

2-God has a special plan for your life. As you discover and fulfill that plan, you will experience great joy and fulfillment. You will also benefit the people in your circle of influence.

God created you with specific talents and gifts. This gifts are not only for your enjoyment, but, more importantly, they are to be shared with others for their benefit.

3-The only way you will discover the true meaning of your life is by accepting Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord.  No other way will work.  Why? Because the meaning of your life has its roots in Christ and can only fully blossom in Christ.

If you have not yet accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and Lord, I urge you to do so now. Here is a prayer you can pray:

Lord Jesus, I come to You just as I am. I believe that You are the Son of God, that You died for my sins, and that You rose again from the dead. I ask You to forgive me of all my sins. I accept You now as my Savior and my Lord. Make of me all that You created me to be. Show me the meaning of my life so that my life may bring You great glory! In Your Name I pray. Amen.

If you prayed this prayer, you are now a child of God. Please write to me to let me know. I will send you, free of charge, a little booklet on how to grow in Christ.

NOW IT'S YOUR TURN: Do you know the meaning of your life? If so, how did you discover it? What part did Christ play in your discovery?

"The only way you will discover the true meaning of your life is by accepting Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord." ~ Dr. MaryAnn Diorio (CLICK TO TWEET)

Copyright 2016-2021 by Dr. MaryAnn Diorio. All Rights Reserved
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Friday, August 13, 2021

Are You a Slave to the Lie?

Hey, Awesome Teen!

Did you know that you are a slave to whatever you believe? That's right. Whatever you believe will guide your life and draw you in its direction.

This makes believing the truth pretty important, doesn't it? Why? Because if you believe a lie--or more than one--you will go more deeply into slavery.  But if you believe the truth, you will be set free.

In fact, Jesus Himself said this: "You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (John 8:32).  So, the next question is, What is the truth? 

The Truth is a Person, and His Name is Jesus Christ.  When Thomas asked Jesus where He was going and how to get there, Jesus said, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me" (John 14: 6). 

Jesus is also the Word of God, which means that when you study the Bible, you are actually studying Jesus and getting to know Him. He and His Word are one and the same.

As you study the Bible, you will discover truth.  The truth will reveal the lies you are believing.  Anything that does not agree with the Bible is a lie.

For example, let's say you believe that you are here by chance and have no purpose in life. Then you read Psalm 139 in the Bible that tells you you are awesomely made and are here for a purpose. At that moment, you recognize that you have been believing a lie. 

So, what you should do? You should renounce the lie, repent of it, and embrace the truth you just read in the Bible.

As you study God's Word, He will show you the lies you are believing. As you recognize each lie, renounce it, repent of it, and embrace the truth that revealed the lie to you.  The more you do this, the freer you will be.

Now, it's YOUR TURN: What lies have you been believing? Chances are good that others reading this have been believing the same lies. So, let's share with your fellow Gabriel Girls and encourage them to be set free, too!  You can post your comments in the box below. Thanks! We're eagerly waiting to hear from you. Your opinion matters!

"You are a slave to whatever you believe." ~ Dr. MaryAnn Diorio (CLICK TO TWEET)

"You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." ~ John 8: 32 (CLICK TO TWEET)


Copyright 2016-2021 by Dr. MaryAnn Diorio. All Rights Reserved
You can find me on the following Social Media Venues:
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Friday, August 6, 2021

How to Make Wise Decisions by Dr. MaryAnn Diorio

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Hey, Awesome Teen,

The teen years are full of decisions. Big ones, like should I go to college? If so, where? What should I study? If I don't go to college, what job should I take? What classes should I take in high school? Should I date this guy? Should I go to this party? And on and on and on.

One of the greatest blessings of following Jesus is that we have Holy Spirit to guide us in every decision we make. He knows the plans the Father has for our future, and Holy Spirit will lead us in the direction of those plans if we allow Him to do so.

After following the Lord for almost 51 years, I've learned this: There are really only two things we need to do to make wise choices:

1) Listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit;

2) Obey the voice of the Holy Spirit.

Listen and Obey. If we do these two things, we will never make a wrong decision in our life.

How do you listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit? First of all, you have to get to know His voice.  How did you get to know your mother's voice or your best friend's voice? By spending time with them.  We get to know a person by spending time with that person.

The same is true of Holy Spirit. We get to know His voice by spending time with Him.

Holy Spirit is the third Person of the Trinity. He is the one we tend to forget about because
we sometimes forget He is a Person. We may think of Him as a floating cloud or a breath of air or a dove or a tongue of fire. The truth is Holy Spirit is a Person, and a powerful one at that!

Get to know Holy Spirit! Get to know Him well. He is your friend, your counselor, your helper, your advocate, and your guide on the road of life. As you follow Him closely, you will make wise choices that will lead you into the great destiny for which God created you.

Now, it's your turn: Can you name a time when listening and obeying Holy Spirit's voice kept you from making a wrong decision? Please share your experience with our readers. You can post your comment in the box below. Thanks! :)

TWEETABLE: "How to Make Wise Decisions" by Dr. MaryAnn Diorio (CLICK TO TWEET)

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Copyright 2016-2021 by Dr. MaryAnn Diorio. All Rights Reserved.

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