Friday, March 26, 2021

Why Am I Here?

Hey, Awesome Teen,

Last week we discussed the first of the three great questions of life: Who am I?  We learned that we are creatures made in the image of God and that we have great value and worth. If you missed last week’s post, you can find it here.

Today we’re going to discuss the second This week, we'll look at the second great question of life: Why am I here?

Have you ever wondered why you are on this earth? Have you ever felt that you just happened by chance and that your appearance on earth is random? If so, let me show you the truth.

In Psalm 139: 16 God says that the days of your life were all prepared by Him before you ever lived a single day of them. Do you realize what that means? It means that God created you for a specific purpose and He planned out that purpose even before you were born! Is that amazing or what!

So, the truth is that you are here for a special purpose. What is that purpose?

To discover your purpose, you will need to get to know Jesus Christ. Why? Because He created you and He knows the purpose for which He created you. As a result, He will lead you into that purpose.

So to discover why you are here, discover Jesus Christ. If you already know Him, ask Him what your purpose is. If you don’t already know Him, pray this simple prayer:

Lord Jesus, I want to get to know You. Come into my life. I receive You as my Savior and Lord. Show me the purpose for which You created me. Amen.

If you prayed this prayer, please write to me at to let me know. I will send you a little booklet that will help you get to know Jesus better.  You may also leave a comment in the box below.

Do you have any questions or comments about Life Question Two? If so, please share your thoughts in the comment box below. Thanks! :)

If you enjoyed this post, please tell your teenage friends about us. Thanks!

Copyright 2016-2021 by Dr. MaryAnn Diorio. All Rights Reserved.
You can find me on the following Social Media Venues:
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Friday, March 19, 2021

Who Am I?

Hey, Awesome Teen,

Do you know the answer to life’s three greatest questions?  Before you can know the answer, you must know the questions. :)

Life’s three greatest questions are:

1) SSo, what are the three greatest questions of life? Here they are:

1) Who am I?

2) Why am I here?

3) Where am I going?

Once you have the answers to these three critically important questions figured out, you will be able to figure out the answer to almost every other question you will ever face in life.

Our next three blog posts will cover each of these questions, so be sure not to miss a single one.

Okay. Question Number One:  Who am I?

Answering this question is the foundation for answering the other two questions. So, who are you?

If you studied evolution in school, you may think you are a creature that has evolved from an amoeba or an ape.  If this is what you believe, how does that belief make you feel about yourself? 

You may also believe that you just happened. That your birth was the result of random chance. That you are an accident.

How does that make you feel?

Now let’s look at the correct answer to Question One:  Who are you?  You will find that answer in Psalm 139: 13-18.  Let’s take a look. 

You [GOD] made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit them together in my mother’s womb. Thank You for making me so wonderfully complex! It is amazing to think about. Your workmanship is marvelous--and how well I know it. You were there while I was being formed in utter seclusion! You saw me before I was born and scheduled each day of my life before I began to breathe. Every day was recorded in Your book! How precious it is, Lord, to realize that You are thinking about me constantly!  I can’t even count how many times a day your thoughts turn toward me. And when I waken in the morning, You are still thinking of me! (Brackets mine).

WOW and DOUBLE WOW!!! Read through the above passage again. What do you notice?

1) God made you!  You are NOT an accident. Even if your parents didn’t want you, God did!

2) God made you complex.  That’s the reason you sometimes can’t figure yourself out. But God can. :)

3) God saw you before you were born and He scheduled each day of your life BEFORE you began to breathe!  Now how’s that for a plan!  Yes, you are a very important part of God’s plan. So important that He scheduled your days and trusted that you would cooperate with His schedule for you--in other words, with His plan for you.

4) God keeps a book about you.  Yes, just about you!  Do you feel special yet?

5) God is constantly thinking about you. Talk about love! Is there a special someone you think about a lot? Well, God thinks about you even more! He thinks about you ALL the time.

Now, how do you feel about the true answer to Question One? Please share your thoughts in the comment box below.

Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord? If not, click here.

If you enjoyed this post, please tell your friends. Thanks!

Copyright 2016-2021 by Dr. MaryAnn Diorio. All Rights Reserved.

You can find me on the following Social Media Venues:
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Blot (Winning with the Word):
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Friday, March 12, 2021


Hey, Awesome Teens!  

Today we’re going to talk about another touchy subject. So, what else is new? :)  As you have noticed, here at the Truth to Teens Blog, we’re not afraid to tackle the controversial issues of life.

So, here goes. Should you believe everything your teachers say?

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Before we dive into the answer to that question, let me tell you that I used to be a teacher. I taught at three major universities and two smaller colleges. I’ve also taught in high schools and in grade schools. I’ve even taught little kids in Kindergarten. So, I’ve pretty much run the gamut of all ages in education.

At every level of teaching, I noticed that students have a strong tendency to believe everything their teacher teaches them. But I want to give you a warning from the other side of the desk--the teacher’s side.  Not everything your teacher teaches you is true. I know because I have worked with many, many teachers over the years.

Now, before you panic or get angry, let me say that I am not down on teachers. Most teachers are wonderful, dedicated people who truly care about their students. Their intention is not to lie to you. But many teachers think they are teaching the truth when they really are not because they themselves do not know the truth. 

So, how can you tell when a teacher is teaching you the truth or not?

There is one sure-fire way to know if what you are being taught is true or not. Check it out in the light of the Holy Bible, God’s Word.

For example, most biology teachers will teach you that the theory of evolution is true. The truth is that the theory of evolution contradicts what God says in the Bible about how you were created. We talked about this before in our blog on Suicide: Life’s Biggest Cop-Out.

So, when your biology teacher tells you that you came from a monkey or an amoeba, don’t believe her!  
The same holds true if and when you go to college.  Many college professors do not believe in God. They will teach from that perspective and try to convince you that God does not exist.  Do not be intimidated by them! 

Just because a person has a long string of degrees after his name does not mean he is brilliant nor that you are stupid because you do not have a string of degrees after your name. In fact, if that professor with a dozen titles after his name does not believe in God, he is a fool. The Bible says so in Psalm 14:1: "The fool says in his heart there is no God."

There is a colossal difference between knowledge and wisdom. One can have knowledge with no wisdom. Such is the case of many professors on college campuses today. 

Our goal should be to have both knowledge AND wisdom. When you have wisdom, you know how to use knowledge in the right way.

So, as you attend classes--whether on Zoom or in person--make a commitment to analyze everything your teachers say by comparing it with the Bible, the Word of God. This is the best way to guard your heart and to keep yourself from falling for lies that will harm you.


Have you been born again? If not, click here. Jesus is the answer to your every need. Don't let others tell you differently!

If you enjoyed this post, please tell your friends about Truth to Teens. Thanks!
Copyright 2000-2021 by Dr. MaryAnn Diorio. All Rights Reserved.

You can find me on the following Social Media Venues:
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Friday, March 5, 2021

Introducing TRUTH TO TEENS

Hi, Awesome Teens!

Welcome to Truth to Teens! This blog is for YOU! This is the place where you will learn the truth about who you are, why you're here, and where you're going.

But, before we get started, I want to tell you a little about myself. 

First of all, I. Am. NOT. Cool! In fact, I'm way UNCOOL. You see, I’m a 75-year-old Grandma. :)

I have been married to the same wonderful man for 51 years. We have two grown daughters, ages 47 and 43.  We also have six grandchildren: four girls ages 14, 13, 11, and 8, and two boys, ages 9 and 2. 

Second, I don't pretend to know it all. But one thing I do know for sure is that I love teens. And that includes YOU!

I decided to start this blog for one reason: God told me to. :)  That's reason enough to do anything, isn't it?

Why do you think He told me to start a blog for you? Because He loves you!  And He gave me a love for you, too. I want to see you grow up in wisdom and grace to become men and women who love God and love others.

I remember quite well what it was like to be 13 and 14 and 15 and 16 and 17 and 18 and 19, and I understand that you go through some rough times. Maybe even rougher than what I went through when I was 13 and 14 and 15 and 16 and 17 and 18 and 19.

Besides being a mother and grandmother, I’m a professional writer.  I use the writing gift God has given me to help others along the road of life. Since I’m a little older than you—or, a lot older :)—I hope that I can help you avoid some pitfalls along the way.

So, I’m writing this blog just for you. I hope you enjoy it.  Most of all, I hope you write to me with any questions you’d like to discuss. 

I want this to be a place where you can meet other teens your own age from all over the world and talk about the things that matter most in life.

So send me your questions, and we'll get started! :) 


Dr. MaryAnn Diorio (You can call me "Dr. D" for short. :))

Copyright 2000-2021 by Dr. MaryAnn Diorio. All Rights Reserved.

This article may not be published or printed in any form whatsoever without the written permission of Dr. MaryAnn Diorio. You may contact her at to request permission.

If you enjoyed this blog, please forward it to your family and friends. Spread the Word of God and be a blessing to others! Thanks! 
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