Tuesday, August 25, 2015

How to Win the Guy Game

Hey, Gabriel Girls! I read an article the other day that more and more teen girls are becoming gamers. The article defined a “gamer” as someone who likes to play video games and other kinds of games on her cell phone, tablet, or computer.

Photo Source: File: #88734696 | Author: Luis Louro

My husband (of 45 years, I might add :) and I both have Sudoku on our cell phones. We love the game and help each other solve the puzzles when they get especially hard.

But there’s a game I want to talk about today that is much more serious than the games we play on our phones or computers. It's called the Guy Game, and at some point in your life, you may have to play it.

So, what’s the Guy Game? 

Let me start by saying it really isn’t a game at all. It’s a pretty serious part of life. So serious, in fact, that, if you don’t learn how to play it by God’s rules at the beginning, it could cause you a lot of heartache later on in life.

As you well know, guys are a pretty interesting part of being a teen girl. That’s the way God designed it. God created both male and female, and the first step in playing the Guy Game is to know which is which and to honor that. (We’ll discuss more about gender in a future post).

The next step in playing the Guy Game is to understand that God has designed guys and gals to desire each other. This desire is not just physical; it’s actually a desire on the soul level and the spirit level. It’s a desire that God has created so that a man and a woman who love each other will eventually marry and create a family that will grow up to love and honor God. Ultimately, God wants human souls for His eternal family in Heaven.

The problem with the Guy Game today is that most teen girls play the game wrong. They play it by the world's rules and not by God's rules. 

So, what's the difference?

Here are a few big ones:

1) God says that a girl and a guy must not engage in sex until they are married. Period. The world says this is a stupid rule. If a girl loves a guy, why shouldn't she have sex with him? God is old-fashioned. He just doesn't want me to have fun.

Let's think about this line of reasoning. First of all, God created sex, so He knows all about it. He put boundaries around the sexual relationship, limiting it to marriage, in order to protect both the girl and the guy from heartache.  When we don't follow God's rules for relationships with guys, we ALWAYS--and I mean ALWAYS--end up being hurt.

2) God says that true love is unselfish. A guy who loves God will never tell you that you would have sex with him outside of marriage if you really loved him. Any guy who tells you that you would have sex with him if you loved him is a hugely selfish guy.  He doesn’t love you at all. If he did love you, he would not ask you to disobey God’s rule. 

And remember, if a guy can get sex from you outside of marriage, chances are he will never marry you. Why should he make a lifetime commitment to you when he can get what he wants from you without a commitment?

3) God tells you not to get into a relationship with a guy who is not a follower of Jesus. Why? Because doing so will cause you a lot of heartache later on. The world tells you to marry a guy who is cute, or smart, or athletic, or whatever. The world never mentions anything about the guy's relationship to Jesus.

You see, when a girl marries a guy, they are not united only on the physical level. More importantly, they are united on the spiritual level. If your spirit has Jesus in it and the guy's spirit doesn't, you will never be truly married. You will have many problems, and you will suffer a great deal.

Bottom line, the only way to win the Guy Game is to play the game according to God's rules. When you do, you'll marry the guy God chooses for you, and you won't live a life of regret.

The gift of a Godly husband is well worth the wait, no matter how long it takes.

If you enjoyed this post, please tell your teenage girlfriends about the Gabriel Girls. Thanks!
Copyright 2015 by Dr. MaryAnn Diorio. All Rights Reserved.
To Become a Gabriel Girl, you need to qualify as follows:
  • You need to be born again. This means that you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and the Lord of your life.If you don't know how to do this, click here.
  • You need to have a desire to tell others about Jesus wherever you go and whenever you can.
  • You need to commit to following Jesus by reading the Bible and praying every day and by obeying Jesus' command to love Him and to love your neighbor.
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